One of Katherine's friends and a story editor who regularly counted on her for scripts is Bob Forward. Bob created this memorial page for her.

I have received some lovely and touching email about Katherine in the days following her death. I would like to share them with others.

On March 28, 2004, Katherine's friend and fellow writer, Mark Kreighbaum, wrote this message and beautiful poem:

When I was on GEnie, I made a few friends. Some of them have remained close. Others have drifted away.

Katherine Lawrence was one who drifted.

I lost touch with her, but I never forgot her. She was funny, smart, talented, stubborn, short-tempered, and passionate. I liked her a lot.

She always encouraged me to post stories and poems online. I wrote quite a few silly parodies just because I knew she'd get a kick out of them. When GEnie died, I stopped doing that sort of thing.

I've written a poem tonight for Kath, may she rest in peace.

The Thing With Feathers

Some birds fly forever, I've heard,
and I've wondered how.

I imagine my arms wide and the moon
full and still waters below. Only trust
in the turning of the world and glide and it
seems a simple thing.

But dawn brings ships and their flocks and
a war in the air. I hear terrible songs and
turn my eyes from the rising sun and beat against
the burning light seeking quiet
in the high reaches of the sky
where stars become possible.

I seek empty paths over ice where the living
are silent and the way is clear, but a chill sinks into my
bones and I am too heavy for the air.

Ancient winds show me other lands, but I am
wingproud and desire my own destinations. There
will be time for every strange country when I am
done with dragons.

But what of the storms?
They come against my wings and are
deaf to weariness or confusion.
The world turns like a rage and I cannot rise above, nor
find the cold peace of quiet lands.

Let me rest a moment, then. Forever is
too long.

------Mark Kreighbaum

One of Kath's Tuscon friends, writer Janni Simner, posted this on Live Journal on Dec. 12, 2004, the day after what would have been Kath's 50th birthday.

This Isn't a Story

I'm sorry, Katherine,
but dying isn't a story.
I saw your careful outline,
your well-researched notes:
first the heroine died,
then her adventures began.
You knew every detail:
the ghost town by the river,
when the trains ran,
the reasons why bullets were
better than pills.
You wrote and rewrote
the opening scenes. Nothing more.
Because dying isn't a story.

We argued about story. We argued
when you stopped writing.
No, edit that. I argued. You said
you'd keep your notes and walked away.
You understood pacing and tension.
You mailed your goodbyes as you drove out of town;
walked down to the river, leaned back, looked up at the sky—

But no. Dying isn't a story.
The hikers who found you,
that was a story. The police officer
with the half-finished novel;
the county parks manager in cutoff jeans
who told us he was sorry,
who told us he'd done this before.
A story is a long drive home through the dark,
both my hands steady on the wheel.

Your empty apartment was a story,
at least once we opened the door:
The answering machine blinking its silence,
the solstice cards lining the hall.
The borrowed books set on the counter,
labeled with sticky notes, bearing our names.
Nothing left to the reader:
no loose ends, no unresolved threads.
But a story is messier than a body by a river,
a bullet to the head. A story is
your mother packing your dishes
and your silver and a fifth of Scotch,
filling out the paperwork
to transport your gun across state lines.

You had a promising start:
the opening lines, the rising tension,
the chilling sense of things
that couldn't happen any other way.
But those things aren't a story,
and dying doesn't make them one.

You knew how to outline
and you knew how to plot.
So how could you not know
what all writers know,
I still don't know.
I'm sorry, Katherine.
This poem isn't a story,
but I'm not driving away.


My name is Christopher Denner, and as you may recall (although, probably not), I had written to you last year on my old email account to inform you about the "Darkstalkers" DVD set that was to be released by ADVFilms.

As I did for you, I had also found Katherine Lawrence's SF newsgroup via a link on some random webpage, and thought I would give it a shot and post there. After informing her about the release, she was happy I stopped by and thanked me, and encouraged me to stick around, eventually giving me credit on her website about the DVD set coming out (where she was also too kind in asking me for permission to credit me, wherein I should having been crediting her for providing such well respected entertainment). And was even open and very nice in talking to me about her unproduced Beast Wars script, when I asked about it.

I stuck around on the newsgroups for around a month or so, off and on. But unfortunately, I lost access to it shortly after and was no longer able to load the cluster of SF newsgroups. Being that, sadly, I hadn't really been reading/watching as much as I should probably should have been (and/or still am), and work was overtaking my time, I sort of slipped back into my daily life and didn't think much of re-visiting again afterwards.

That was, until tonight.

I was writing to a friend at a messageboard, recommending that he should check out the season 3 Reboot DVDs, and I made sure to mention both your and Ms. Lawrence's credits as writers for that season. On a whim, I decided to check out Katherine Lawrence's website, and I came across the sad news of her untimely passing.

Although, I can't say that I knew her well, or, at all to be honest. Just a few posts here and there, and an email at best. But for the short time it was, she was very friendly and encouraged me to continue writing and creating my ideas. While much of that writing and ideas have been placed on the back burner of my mind for the time being, I much appreciated her advice and friendly nature. And I am saddened to know that she is no longer her, but thankfully, her presence is still alive.

To be honest, I'm not really good and transcribing thoughts to text. And I'm equally not very good at writing resolutions to this sort of matter. But I just wanted to write you and get my feelings out there, so someone close to her might know that, even if insignificant an instance as it may be, there is someone out there thinking about her and remembering her and recommending her works to others. And I would like to thank you for harboring her old site on your own website. So, thanks again. And not to sound like a hallmark card, but I'm sure wherever she is right now, she misses you just as much as you miss her.

Thanks for reading.

Just a random friend,
Christopher N. Denner


I was updating my links page and clicked on Katherine's link to see if it was still current, and learned the terrible news.

Thank you so much for putting up the memorial page. I am not familiar with all her works, but I emailed her extensively regarding the first cartoon she'd worked on, "Dungeons and Dragons." She was extremely helpful, kind, and encouraging in her answers to me. Thanks to her, I lost my fear of writing to the "big names" associated with my favorite cartoon and went on to interview other writers and producers to build my website. I might not have known her well, but I'm deeply saddened to hear that she's gone.

I hope it's not too painful for you to get messages like this so long after the fact, but I wanted to let you know that she was very respected in our little D&D fandom, and will be missed. I just posted about her death on our message board today.

Take care,
Lesley Ashmore

I'm not sure how to start this. I went to college with Kathy and was always envious of her drive and focus. We took a memorable trip to England after Star Wars was released here but before it came out there. She got herself a tour of Elstree Studios by convincing them she was a free lance writer (at the time, I think the only things she had published were in fan fiction publications, but the studio accepted it). I always admired her courage in doing that.

We did some crazy things, like attending a really awful play simply because Alex Guiness was in it and then waiting around afterward to get his autograph, or getting backstage at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford after a performance because we were waiting to see Jack Klaff, who was the second fighter pilot to die in the final battle scene in Star Wars (not that we knew which one he was). I will always cherish the memories from that trip and keep those in my thoughts when I think of Kathy.

We lost touch after she moved to LA and I got married. Just recently I was telling my teenage daughter about our trip to England (she's a huge Anglophile) and got to wondering what had happened to Kathy. I googled her and found your tribute. Although I'm glad that she found success in her writing, I'm so sorry that she felt this was the way to go. I'm sorry for your loss as well; the tribute you have created is beautiful. I guess I just wanted to get in touch with someone who knew and loved Kathy. Thanks.

Karen Peterson

Hello mi name is N. V. and I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for the loss of you´re friend Katherine Lawrence. I never new her but now I know that she wrote some of the best shows ever, I think I´ve seen most of them since I was little but I had no idea who was behind them untill now, like I said I did not know her in person but still she gave me some of the best moments of my childhood, for me her stories wer more then just that, they wer gate ways to ilimited imaginarius worlds and I felt like you should know that she touched the lives of people (specialy children) who will never forget her.
P.S: Please excuse my poor english, I can speek it but not write it but still I had to pay tribute to a great writer and say to another great writer you, I know how it feals to loose a friend too early so may god be with you and you´re loved ones be well and always at you´re side. N. V. K.

Note: I am now literary executor
for all of Katherine's creative works.
If you have inquiries regarding rights
to Katherine's work, please contact:

Katherine's original website.
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