"The Infinity Stone" Written by Katherine Lawrence ACT ONE FADE IN: CLOSE - A FULL MOON IN A NORTHERN NIGHT SKY The Full Moon shines brightly through wispy dark clouds that drift across its face. Go for an eerie Lovecraftian feel as we hear CHANTING OVER and PAN DOWN TO: DRUIDS (O.S.) (chanting) Power of air/Power of fire... EXT. - STONEHENGE - U.K. - NIGHT Five white-robed male DRUIDS, one of them with a hood and green stola (the Head Druid, PROF. DEVLIN MACKAY), stand in a circle, arms raised, CHANTING, in the middle of Stonehenge. DRUIDS (chanting) ... Power of water/Power of earth/Thus do we learn. The Druids finish their ceremony and lower their arms. ON THE HEAD DRUID Devlin Mackay pushes his hood back, revealing a middle-aged Englishman, sandy brown hair, more Kenneth Branagh than Hugh Grant. DEVLIN MACKAY (English accent) Gentlemen, you need to be here on time next Friday. INCLUDE OTHER DRUIDS They're half-turned away, ready to go home, but are listening. DEVLIN MACKAY The Great Ceremony begins at moonrise, sharp. They NOD assent. ANGLE ON STONEHENGE Four lesser Druids make their way (O.S.) away from the ruins towards the tunnel that leads to the car park on the north side of the highway. MACKAY stays behind, looking around at the stones in the moonlight. CUT TO: INT. - TUNNEL TO CAR PARK -- CONTINUOUS The four Druids walk through the tunnel, heading toward their cars. HOLD ON TUNNEL After the druids pass, from the deepest shadow steps RAMONE DE LA PORTA. He WAITS until we HEAR SFX: Car doors slamming, engines starting, cars departing. He then turns and walks in the opposite direction, towards the ruins, and Mackay. CUT TO: EXT. STONEHENGE - U.K. - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS TIGHT ON MACKAY as he bends over to pick up a piece of dropped mistletoe on the ground. DE LA PORTA (O.S.) Professor Mackay? Mackay straightens, and turns to look toward the voice (O.S.). DEVLIN MACKAY Yes? INCLUDE DE LA PORTA De La Porta moves forward until he's facing Mackay. DE LA PORTA Professor Devlin Mackay? DEVLIN MACKAY You have the advantage of me, sir. All charm, De La Porta holds his hand out to shake Mackay's hand. DE LA PORTA Ramone De La Porta. Mackay REACTS in flattered surprise. DEVLIN MACKAY Sir! It's an honor! And shakes De La Porta's hand. DEVLIN MACKAY How may I help you? FAVOR DE LA PORTA as he SMILES, reaches into a POCKET with his gloved hand, and pulls out a small jeweler's bag. DE LA PORTA I need your advice on something I've acquired. TIGHT ON JEWELER'S BAG As De La Porta loosens the cord holding it closed, we see a pale green glow coming from the bag. De La Porta upends the bag, dropping its contents onto his bare left palm, revealing one of the PRIMAL STONES. PULL BACK to include Mackay. His face and white robe reflect the pale green glow. He reaches out hesitantly toward the stone in De La Porta's hand, but stops before touching it. DEVLIN MACKAY (awe) What in the name of the Great Power is that? DISSOLVE TO: EXT. - KONG'S LAIR - DAY - ESTABLISHING SHOT Establish location. DR. JENKINS (V.O.) Pay attention. CUT TO: INT. - KONG'S LAIR - COMPUTER AREA -- DAY JASON, DR. JENKINS, LUA and TANN are gathered around an oversize computer screen on which is a map of the world. Dr. Jenkins uses the mouse pointer to move from icon to icon, showing the movements of De La Porta. DR. JENKINS Two weeks ago, De La Porta went to Hong Kong to see Chow Lo Fan. ON COMPUTER SCREEN As the mouse cursor moves to the icon in Spain. DR. JENKINS Then to Spain, to see Lorana Vallejo. BACK ON DR. JENKINS AND OTHERS She looks up at Jason and Lua who are looking at her, and at Tann, who leans against the nearest piece of furniture, to see if they're listening. DR. JENKINS From there his private jet filed a flight plan to Great Britain. Jason steps closer to the screen and looks at the map more closely. JASON Why there? DR. JENKINS I believe he's meeting with Professor Devlin Mackay. Tann stands up and moves forward, curious. TANN Who's that? And why him? Dr. Jenkins looks at Tann. DR. JENKINS Like the others he's met with, Professor Mackay is an expert on occult artifacts. ON LUA as she REACTS with horrified realization. LUA The Primal Stones! BACK ON DR. JENKINS She looks at Lua. DR. JENKINS Precisely, Lua. Dr. Jenkins then turns back to the computer screen, looking at it worriedly. DR. JENKINS My sources on the Internet have told me De La Porta has been asking these people about them. Though I doubt either Chow Lo Fan or Miss Vallejo were of any help. INCLUDE THE OTHERS Jason steps up next to his grandmother, also looking at the computer screen. JASON So what makes you think this Devlin Mackay will be any different? DR. JENKINS He's the leader of the Stonehenge Druids. Lua looks confused. LUA Druid? Dr. Jenkins turns to look at Lua again. DR. JENKINS (to Lua) His power, like yours, comes from an understanding of Nature. I'm very much afraid Professor Mackay may be able to activate the Primal Stones. ON TANN Tann steps on his toes, trying to itch them through his shoes. TANN I don't like this. My toes itch. It's got to be a trap. INCLUDE LUA She GLARES at Tann. LUA It doesn't matter. We have to go after him and prevent the meeting! INCLUDE ALL Dr. Jenkins STARES at the screen. DR. JENKINS You're both right. Trap or no trap, we don't have a choice. Jason PATS his grandmother on the shoulder. JASON We'll be careful. Jason looks at his two friends. JASON We can't ignore a chance to recover the Stones, trap or not. Don't worry. We'll have Kong with us. As the others REACT we DISSOLVE TO: EXT. - MANOR HOUSE OF PROF. DEVLIN MACKAY - AMESBURY - THE NEXT NIGHT It's a large Manor House, Tudor-style with dark beams and white plaster, and leaded glass windows like a thousand eyes peering out -- very Lovecraftian. It's set amidst a mythic wood with ancient oaks, many of them taller than Kong himself, and other deciduous trees such as ash, thorn, etc. At first glance, the forest seems dark and impenetrable, though it's so old the ground itself is clear of bushes, just gnarled roots poking up out of the dead leaf-covered soil. There's a gravel road leading up to the house, with a looping turnaround directly in front of the large iron-studded oak front door. From one of the multi-paned leaded windows we SEE A BRIEF GREEN GLOW (Primal Stone green) that only lasts a second. CUT TO: INT. - HOUSE OF PROFESSOR DEVLIN MACKAY - THE LIBRARY - CONTINUOUS It's a quintessentially English library with fireplace, dark green leather chairs, dark green drapes over the leaded glass windows, pulled back so we can see the darkness outside, a solid oak library table used as a desk with an old leather chair behind it, and hordes of books covering every wall. To one side are two green leather chairs, with a small table between them, with a telephone on the table. On the wall above the fireplace, in the shadows, there's the Mackay Family Crest. Light comes from the fireplace and a high-tech halogen desk lamp on the library table, directing light downwards. Standing in front of the table is Ramone De La Porta. Seated in his leather chair behind the desk is Devlin Mackay. Ramone watches avidly as Devlin waves a WAND of ash (a stripped slender branch of an ash tree) over the Primal Stone which rests on the table in front of him. TIGHT ON PRIMAL STONE As the wand passes over the Stone, it GLOWS BRIGHTLY for a brief moment, then fades back to a pale glow. DEVLIN MACKAY (O.S.) This is incredible! BACK ON DE LA PORTA AND MACKAY They're both excited, though De La Porta tries to hide it, his face calm but leaning forward excitedly. DEVLIN MACKAY It's definitely one of the Primal Stones of legend. Mackay looks up from the Stone at De La Porta. DEVLIN MACKAY Unfortunately I have no idea which one it might be. There are supposed to be ten of them.... De La Porta brushes a fingertip across the Primal Stone (which stays dark). DE LA PORTA I believe this to be the Immortality Stone. If the stories are true, it can confer eternal life. Mackay looks astounded. DEVLIN MACKAY (dawning excitement) Really...? Mackay's eyes never leave the Primal Stone. De La Porta straightens up, away from the desk lamp, almost disappearing into the shadows, and SMILES SLYLY as we CUT TO: EXT. - ENGLISH COUNTRY ROAD - TWILIGHT There's a tall hedgerow on the left side (thick shrubbery) and forest on the right side of the narrow road. Coming out of the forest and intersecting this road is the start of the gravel- paved lane to Mackay Manor. At this intersection is a small sign (shadowed), identifying the lane. Coming slowly up the road, remembering to stay on the left side of the road, is a tiny Austin Mini, Tann driving. The car pulls over to the far left, burying the passenger side door in the shrubbery. Tann HOPS out on the driver's side and crosses the road to look at the sign marking the lane (O.S.). Behind him Jason/Kong STRUGGLES clumsily over the gear shift and exits the car. Lua pushes the driver's seat forward and climbs out next, far more gracefully. JASON (KONG) (GRUFF VOICE) Next time, Tann, no clown cars! ANGLE ON TANN AND THE LANE ENTRANCE Tann looks up at the sign carefully. TANN This is the right place. Tann turns to look O.S. at Jason. TANN Told you we weren't lost. REVERSE ANGLE - ON JASON/KONG Jason/Kong reaches up to his cyberlink. JASON (KONG) (GRUFF VOICE) Kong[DOT]Com. Engage. He activates the link. DE-MERGE EFX surround him. When they end, Kong stands to one side, Jason to the other, looking exhausted. ON KONG as Kong looks around at the quiet English countryside and ROARRRRRRS... INCLUDE OTHERS Tann WAVES his arms in the air, trying to SHUSH the giant ape, as do Jason and Lua. TANN/JASON/LUA No!/Quiet!/Hush! CUT TO: INT. HOUSE OF PROFESSOR DEVLIN MACKAY - THE LIBRARY -- CONTINUOUS Devlin Mackay and De La Porta stand in front of the fireplace, looking up at the Mackay Family Crest. It's the profile of a MANTICORE (a mythical beast looking like a male lion with a scorpion's tail curved up over his back) on a green background. Devlin Mackay is obviously finishing up a story about the crest. DEVLIN MACKAY ... So under the circumstances, it was only logical that the Mackay family crest include the Manticore of ancient legend. KONG (O.S.) (distant) ROARRRRRR! ANOTHER ANGLE ON MACKAY AND DE LA PORTA Mackay SPINS around to look towards the window across the room. De La Porta turns too, with a SNARL on his face. DEVLIN MACKAY (scared) What on earth was THAT? De La Porta heads for the door out of the library. DE LA PORTA Don't worry; I'll handle it. You stay here. De La Porta EXITS. (SFX: DOOR SLAMMING CLOSED) Mackay STARES at the closed door, then goes to the telephone on a table by one of the leather chairs. ON DEVLIN MACKAY as he punches in three digits (SFX: touch tone beeps). BEAT. DEVLIN MACKAY Emergency? This is Devlin Mackay. I need a Constable here, right away. CUT TO: EXT. - FOREST OUTSIDE MACKAY MANOR -- MOMENTS LATER From a hiding place in the woods beside the lane to Mackay Manor De La Porta WATCHES the road (O.S.) and Kong. REVERSE ANGLE (DE LA PORTA'S P.O.V.) Kong hunkers down, and Lua reaches up and pats him. LUA I know you hate being trapped like that, but it was the only way to get here. Jason PATS Kong in turn while Tann watches. JASON And now that we are, let's go talk to Professor Mackay. BACK ON DE LA PORTA as he watches. WILD BOAR (O.S.) (Deep Grunting) De La Porta looks around worriedly. ANGLE ON WILD BOAR IN A HUGE CAGE TRAP (HUMANE, CRUELTY-FREE) It GLARES at De La Porta with beady eyes, and WILD BOAR (Deep Grunting) BACK ON DE LA PORTA Who SMILES and steps toward the cage. CLOSE-UP ON DEVLIN MACKAY He followed De La Porta outside, after calling the cops, and watches De La Porta from behind a tree. There's an O.S. FLASH of MERGE EFX. Mackay reacts in HORROR, turns, and FLEES back to his house. CUT TO: EXT. LANE TO MACKAY MANOR -- CONTINUOUS Kong, Jason, Lua and Tann walk down the lane leading toward the manor house, Kong having to DUCK in places to avoid the over- hanging branches. Suddenly, there's a WILD BOAR (O.S.) (Deep Grunting) They turn and look (O.S.) PULL BACK A GIANT (HUMANOID) WILD BOAR charges towards them through the trees. FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. LANE TO MACKAY MANOR -- CONTINUOUS Jason, Lua, and Tann FREEZE for a moment, startled. Kong takes a step, moving in front of them, between them and the charging Boar. His eyes never leave the Boar, he's focused and waiting. The Boar continues his CHARGE, straight toward Kong. Jason, Tann, and Lua run back up the lane, towards the road and their car. The Boar HITS Kong, knocking him backwards. PAN WITH KONG As he flies through the air, over Jason, Lua, and Tann, to land on his backside in the middle of the road, almost on top of the Austin Mini. BACK ON THE LANE The Boar CHARGES up the lane, toward Kong. Jason, Lua and Tann DIVE off the lane, into the forest, out of the Boar's way. CUT TO: EXT. ENGLISH COUNTRY ROAD - NEAR DARK -- CONTINUOUS Kong rises to his feet as the Boar CHARGES up the lane straight for him. Kong BRACES himself, one foot behind him, then reaches out toward the charging Boar. The Boar collides with Kong with a huge SFX: Meaty THUD. Kong GRAPPLES the Boar, wrestling with the huge humanoid Boar, who pushes against the giant ape, trying to push Kong backwards. They STRUGGLE, neither gaining the upper hand. Suddenly, with a mighty HEAVE, Kong LIFTS the Boar off his feet and THROWS him AWAY from Kong. The Boar somersaults backwards, landing on the ground on his back. SFX: THUD! KONG ROARRRRR! Kong STEPS FORWARD to stomp the downed Boar. SFX: Approaching sirens (English police sirens), and the approaching FLASH of BLUE POLICE LIGHTS flicker off the trees, hedgerow, and Kong. Kong TURNS and looks (O.S.) toward the sirens. The Boar LEAPS at Kong, sending them both off the road and into the forest as: A British Police Car speeds up to the entrance to the lane, turns in, and comes to a halt. KONG (O.S.) ROARRRRR! OFFICER ONE and OFFICER TWO leap out on either side of the car, and look toward the woods (O.S.) where the roars are coming from. REVERSE ANGLE The Giant Boar LEAPS out of the woods, straight for them. ANGLE ON POLICE CAR AND OFFICERS Officer One DIVES for the shelter of the nearest tree. OFFICER ONE Look out! Officer Two turns to look toward Officer One as OFFICER TWO Wha...? The Giant Boar jumps OVER the police car, so close to Officer Two he almost brushes the Officer's nose, and disappears into the forest on the other side of the lane. Officer Two looks like he wants to faint when KONG ROARRRRR! Kong STEPS out of the woods, pursing the fleeing Boar. The ground SHAKES with the first step. Officer Two STARES in terror as the second step looks like it's coming straight down at him. Officer Two dives away from the police car just as Kong's giant foot STOMPS the police car FLAT. Kong continues into the forest on the other side of the lane, pursuing the Giant Boar. HOLD on the SMASHED Police Car, the blue police lights twirling slowly to a halt. Officer One and Officer Two slowly get to their feet and look at their smashed car. OFFICER ONE The Sergeant will never believe this one. As they stare at their car, in the background Jason, Tann and Lua run across the lane, pursuing Kong and the Boar. CUT TO: EXT. FOREST OUTSIDE MACKAY MANOR -- CONTINUOUS Kong moves carefully through the trees, hunting his prey. BOAR (O.S.) (Grunting) Kong TURNS towards the sound coming from behind him. KONG'S P.O.V. as a now normal-sized wild Boar FLEES through the woods. BACK ON KONG Kong REACTS with anger and disappointment to having lost his prey. KONG ROARRRR! While Kong looks (O.S.) at the fleeing wild boar, De La Porta moves silently from tree to tree, behind Kong, escaping. From the same direction the boar came from Kong HEARS (SFX: branches snapping, running feet). Kong prepares to attack, when he sees Jason, Lua, and Tann rush toward him. Lua checks that Kong's okay first, patting him, looking for blood or any damage, as high up as she can reach. LUA Thank you. You saved us. Jason peers up at Kong. JASON Kong, did you get De La Porta? Kong SHAKES HIS HEAD, no. TANN Maybe we should call him De La Houdini, for the way he always escapes? Jason looks around, ignoring Tann for the moment. JASON We'd better find someplace to hide until morning, and see Professor Mackay then. Tann pushes his glasses up and joins Jason in looking around. TANN Sure hope those cops don't try to follow the Big Guy's footprints. Kong NODS agreement and KONG (grunts) They head deeper into the forest to find a place to spend the night, and we CUT TO: INT. - HOUSE OF PROFESSOR DEVLIN MACKAY - THE LIBRARY -- LATER THAT NIGHT Professor Mackay is again sitting at his library table/desk by the light of his desk lamp, pouring over an ancient-looking tome -- a Latin Bestiary from the Twelfth Century (not that anyone can see details). TIGHT ON OPEN TOME In the book are drawings of mythical monsters, from ancient manuscripts. SFX: DOOR OPENING ON PROFESSOR MACKAY as he looks up (O.S.) REVERSE ANGLE De La Porta steps inside, looking little the worse for wear. DE LA PORTA My apologies, Professor, for my prolonged absence. I tried to find the source of those odd noises we heard, and found myself lost in your forest. De La Porta strolls over to the desk and Mackay. ANGLE ON MACKAY AND DE LA PORTA Mackay looks up, skeptically. He doesn't buy this excuse. DEVLIN MACKAY Or perhaps you turned into a monster and it took time to change back. De La Porta's eyebrows raise in mild surprise. DEVLIN MACKAY (beat) What kind of devil are you, sir? I saw you transform! De La Porta steps up to the edge of the desk opposite Mackay, puts both hands flat on the desk, and leans forward. DE LA PORTA The kind that can reward a clever man, or make a stupid one ... The mechanical hand CLENCHES. DE LA PORTA ... disappear. The hands lift off the desk and De La Porta takes a single step back, putting him into the shadows, though his evil smile gleams. DE LA PORTA Which kind of man are you, Professor Devlin Mackay? There's a BEAT of silence. Mackay CLOSES his ancient book softly and rests his hands on top of it. DEVLIN MACKAY I hope I'm the kind of man who knows an opportunity when it presents itself. De La Porta steps back into the light. DE LA PORTA I'm glad. For this is a great opportunity indeed, one I intend to share with you. DEVLIN MACKAY Thank you. DE LA PORTA There is just one little problem. But it's a problem I'm certain you can help me solve. On Mackay's nervous NOD we DISSOLVE TO: EXT. - BEHIND THE MANOR HOUSE OF PROFESSOR MACKAY - NEXT MORNING From the edge of the forest that surrounds the Manor House, Jason, Lua and Tann peer around trees, looking at the House (O.S.) REVERSE ANGLE The Manor House looks just as scary in daylight as twilight, with the multi-paned windows looking even more like the multifaceted eyes of an insect as they reflect the morning sun. LUA (O.S.) (impatiently) What are we waiting for? BACK ON JASON, TANN, AND LUA Jason turns and looks deeper into the woods. He cups his hands around his mouth to direct the sound of his voice. JASON Kong! Kong sticks his head through the leaves about 20' up. JASON Stay here until we come for you. Okay? Kong NODS and KONG (grunts) Kong's giant hand STRIPS a branch of leaves for breakfast, and Kong disappears into the forest again. Jason, Tann and Lua step out of the trees and head toward the Manor House (O.S.) CUT TO: INT. - MANOR HOUSE - FOYER -- MOMENTS LATER The grey slate floor and lone wooden settle are the only furniture in the foyer -- it's very unwelcoming. Beyond the foyer is an open hallway, and a closed door. Professor Mackay seems nervous as talks to Jason, Tann, and Lua. DEVLIN MACKAY I have office hours you know. You didn't have to hunt me down at home. LUA We're sorry to bother you here, but we need to know if Ramone De La Porta has contacted you. Devlin Mackay gestures around his foyer. DEVLIN MACKAY You can see he's not here. What's so important? Why are you interested in him? Jason steps forward, his "story" ready. JASON De La Porta was one of my professors, and a friend of mine. I heard he was in the area and was hoping to catch up with him. Mackay seems to relax a little. DEVLIN MACKAY He was here, but didn't stay. Jason REACTS. JASON Darn it! DEVLIN MACKAY He'll be meeting me at Stonehenge tomorrow at dawn. I'm conducting an ancient Druid Ritual. If you would like to join us ... JASON We'd love to! DEVLIN MACKAY You'll see your professor then. Mackay opens the front door and ushers them out. DEVLIN MACKAY For now, I have work to do. Good day. Lua, Tann, and Jason file out, and Mackay quickly CLOSES the door behind them. The door across the hall opens and De La Porta emerges from hiding. DE LA PORTA Very good, Mackay. This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Mackay looks even more nervous than before and we CUT TO: EXT. BEHIND THE MANOR HOUSE OF PROFESSOR MACKAY - IN THE WOODS -- MOMENTS LATER Jason, Lua, and Tann enter the woods. LUA There's great mystical power in that man, that Druid. Dr. Jenkins was right. I'm sure De La Porta intends to use him to activate the Primal Stones. But,... JASON But he treated us like we were the enemy, not De La Porta. TANN This whole thing is just too weird. That Druid, the eerie house, these dark woods. My toes just won't stop itching! JASON (chuckle) And not a pineapple pizza in sight. Don't worry, Tann. Look at it this way: Things are bound to get even weirder. Kong STICKS HIS HEAD down from the trees, surprising them. KONG (questioning grunt) Jason, Lua, and Tann JUMP in suprise. JASON/LUA/TANN Ack!/Eeek!/Yikes! Kong looks confused. JASON/LUA/TANN (laughter) Kong looks relieved, and we DISSOLVE TO: EXT. - STONEHENGE - NEXT MORNING - JUST BEFORE DAWN In the center of the remains of the inner, horseshoe-shaped curve of stones, facing the middle of the curve, stands Mackay in his white druid robe with green stola, his hood back, and De La Porta wearing a cyberlink, holding the Infinity Stone. On the horizon, the Sun begins to climb, sending its yellow beams of light first at the top of the capstones, then creeping down the face of the tall Sarcens and Bluestones (inner and outer rings of stones). DE LA PORTA It's time to begin. You said dawn was the best time. De La Porta HANDS the Primal Stone to Mackay, who takes it reluctantly. DEVLIN MACKAY I still don't know enough about the Stones and how they work. Even with the magical protections Stonehenge offers, this could be extremely dangerous. De La Porta WAVES his mechanical hand in the air, dismissing Mackay's worries. DE LA PORTA Science always involves risk. Get on with it. My "friends" will no doubt arrive shortly. Mackay holds the Primal Stone in the palm of his left hand, his ash wand in his right, pointing it at the stone. He begins chanting as he has before. DEVLIN MACKAY Power of air/Power of fire ... The Primal Stone begins to glow green. DEVLIN MACKAY Power of water/Power of earth. He TAPS the Primal Stone with the end of the ash wand. DEVLIN MACKAY Reveal yourself! The Primal Stone GLOWS BRIGHT GREEN, then rises slowly to hover in mid-air over Mackay's open hand. Mackay looks at De La Porta, thrilled with his success. DEVLIN MACKAY Behold! The Power of the Primal Stone! The Primal Stone glows VERY brightly now, replacing the yellow sunlight with a green glow. Tendrils of energy crackle around it, between the Stone and Mackay's open hand, then reaching out to the nearest upright pair of capped stones, which begin to GLOW GREEN. The crackling SPARKS leap to the next set of huge stones which begin to glow green as well, then the next, heading slowly, in both directions, around the inner horseshoe-shaped curve of stones. CUT TO: EXT. - A HILL OVERLOOKING STONEHENGE - CONTINUOUS Lua, Jason, Tann, and Kong look down and see the Green Glow SPREAD to include the entire inner horseshoe curve of Stonehenge. LUA We're too late! KONG ROARRRR! Kong, very agitated, LEAPS down the hill and RACES toward Stonehenge, ROARING NONSTOP. KONG (continuously) ROARRRRRRR! Jason and the others run after him. TANN Slow down! Wait for us! JASON (yelling) Kong, WAIT!!! FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. - STONEHENGE -- CONTINUOUS In the brilliant green glow of the Primal Stone and the slightly lesser glow of the Primal Stone-empowered inner Sarcens, De La Porta SMILES when he HEARS KONG (O.S.) ROARRRS! Mackay doesn't hear it over his own CHANTING, naming the Primal Stones through the rest of the scene, until specified, repeating as needed. DEVLIN MACKAY (chanting loudly) Primal Stones, I name thee! Power of Earth/Power of Wind/Power of Fire/Power of Water/Power of Healing/Power of Growth/Power of Sun/Power of Moon/Power of Immortality/Power of Infinity .... De La Porta steps to one side, creating two targets not one, for the approaching Kong. ANGLE ON KONG Kong CHARGES towards De La Porta and Mackay. The 24' tall stones between him and his targets barely slow him down. He SWINGS one arm up, knocking the capstone/lintel off two of the 24' tall upright Sarcens and the capstone GOES FLYING. KONG ROARRRR! Too wide to fit between the uprights, Kong impatiently shoves them to either side. With a CRASH, BOOM they BASH against the adjacent uprights on either side, causing those other stones to start to tilt away from the rampaging giant ape. Kong doesn't pay attention to what he's done, he just continues charging toward De La Porta and Mackay. INCLUDE LUA, JASON, AND TANN as they run after Kong, passing the fallen uprights, ignoring the slow-motion domino effect as others tilt and start to fall, their capstones sliding to the ground with a ground-shaking THUD. Kong SLOWS as he reaches the inner curve of stones which glow a brilliant green with the energy of the Infinity Stone, brighter than the sun just above the horizon. KONG ROARRRR! DE LA PORTA (O.S.) So, we meet again, monster. Kong TURNS to face De La Porta (O.S.) ANGLE ON DE LA PORTA AND KONG Kong RUSHES De La Porta. TIGHT ON DE LA PORTA as he activates his cyberlink. The MERGE EFX ENVELOPS De La Porta. When they cease, De La Porta has become a GIANT MANTICORE (like the Mackay family crest, but with elements of the Giant Wild Boar -- tusks instead of teeth, hooves, etc. -- really hideous). ANGLE ON DE LA PORTA AND KONG The Giant Manticore stands between Kong and Mackay. And the battle is ON! MANTICORE (Lion-like) ROARR!! With a Lion-like LEAP the Manticore JUMPS forward, landing just in front of Kong. The Manticore immediately crouches and his scorpion tail SNAPS FORWARD, poison dripping from the end, to impale Kong. With a HUGE KONG ROARRRR! Kong GRABS one of the fallen stones at his feet and SHOVES it between him and the Manticore's scorpion tail. The Scorpion Tail SMASHES into the stone, the pointed end BENDING from the force. MANTICORE (pained SCREAM) Kong LIFTS the stone over his head, to SMASH it down on top of the Manticore. KONG ROARRRR! The Manticore SCRAMBLES between Kong's massive legs, Scorpion Tail DRAGGING in the dirt behind him. The enormous stone SMASHES with a huge THUD into the ground where the Manticore had been moments before. Kong TURNS around to face the Manticore, with a SNARL. ANGLE ON LUA, TANN, AND JASON They reach the glowing inner stones and have to DASH out of the way of the battle to avoid being crushed. TANN Go Big Guy! Lua POINTS at Mackay, still chanting, his back to them. LUA We have to stop Professor Mackay! If he fully activates the Primal Stone, we'll be in great danger! Jason DODGES a flying chunk of rock. JASON More than now? Lua GLARES at him. LUA Yes! Without waiting for agreement, Lua RUNS toward Mackay, followed closely by Jason and Tann. INCLUDE MACKAY Mackay himself GLOWS with the green Primal Stone energy, and is still chanting. Suddenly he stops, and WHIRLS to face them, as if he sensed them approaching. He POINTS his ash wand at them (which also glows bright green) and DEVLIN MACKAY (shouts) Ker-OUCK! (NOTE: the word is Welsh -- cerwch, with a hard C pronounced like a K, the W as a oo vowel as in food, and the CH as in the Scots loch -- means "go!" Plural.) A bright green BLAST OF LIGHTNING FIRES out of the Primal Stone toward Jason and the others. Jason, Tann and Lua are sent FLYING BACKWARDS (O.S.) by the Stone's energy. Mackay turns back around, facing the center of the inner horseshoe curve, and RESUMES CHANTING as before. BACK TO THE BATTLE The Manticore has Kong backed against one of the few still- upright outer capped pair of stones. MANTICORE (low, vicious GROWL) It crouches, raising its hindquarters and tail, about to STING Kong. KONG ROARRRR! Kong REACHES and GRABS the tail before it connects. He hangs onto the tail with both huge hands and SPINS in place, swinging the Manticore around him like an Olympic event Hammer- throw. He RELEASES after a full 360 degree turn. FOLLOW MANTICORE as it goes FLYING through the air to BASH into the opposite side of the outer circle of Stones. MANTICORE (Lion-like ROAR!) The Manticore SLIDES down the uprights in a HEAP, and with a SHUDDER the capstone FALLS onto the Manticore with a THUD/CRASH, followed by the upright stones falling on top of the capstone with a huge BASH/CRASH. MANTICORE (Lion-like moan) TIGHT ON CYBERLINK The broken cyberlink falls off the Manticore's ear to the ground, CRACKLING with sparks. ON KONG Kong GLOATS in victory and steps forward to finish the Manticore off. KONG ROARRRR! LUA (O.S.) No! Stop the Druid, Kong! Kong TURNS and looks (O.S.) INCLUDE LUA, JASON, AND TANN They are picking themselves up from the ground, and Lua moves quickly forward to try and reach Mackay. Kong TURNS toward Mackay. ANGLE ON MACKAY Mackay GLOWS almost as bright a green as the Primal Stone itself. He STOPS CHANTING, and again points his wand, this time at Kong. MACKAY (shouting) Sa-FAF! (Again, Welsh, but pretty much the way it looks -- means stop.) INCLUDE KONG A STREAM of energy from the Primal Stone ENVELOPS Kong, holding him in place within the inner circle of stones. KONG ROARRR! The energy pours continuously from the Primal Stone. FAVOR PRIMAL STONE as the SYMBOL OF INFINITY appears on the stone. MACKAY (shocked) No! It can't be! That's the wrong Stone! Mackay STARES in horror at the Infinity Symbol, forgetting to resume chanting, forgetting everything in his horror at this NOT being the Immortality Stone De La Porta said it was. INCLUDE TANN Tann DIVES into frame, TACKLING Mackay. The Infinity Stone drops to the ground, but the energy stream continues pouring out of it toward Kong. KONG (O.S.) ROARRRR! They look up (O.S.) at Kong. ANGLE ON KONG Kong FIGHTS to move, but the green glow has him trapped, and the glow is starting to expand. BACK ON MACKAY AND THE OTHERS Lua and Jason join Tann and Mackay, Mackay still on his back on the ground, Tann across him. LUA You've got to stop this! Break the spell. Do something! Mackay looks TERRIFIED. DEVLIN MACKAY I can't! I don't know how! He told me it was the Immortality Stone, not the Infinity Stone! KONG (O.S.) ROARRRR! All four look (O.S.) and REACT with horror as they see ANGLE ON KONG The green energy around Kong has EXPANDED, and within the huge glowing green outline a HOLE has opened up behind Kong. Through the HOLE we SEE a vast, swirling starscape, a peek into Infinity. KONG (outrage growing) ROARRRR! Kong manages to move a little and CLINGS to one of the remaining upright stones, as the HOLE WIDENS and tries to SUCK Kong through it. Kong's fur is pulled toward the hole, showing the force pulling on the Giant Ape. ANGLE ON DE LA PORTA De La Porta crawls out from under the heap of stones that fell on the Manticore, and brushes himself off. DE LA PORTA How perfect! INCLUDE OTHERS They turn to look at De La Porta, Mackay with growing horror. DE LA PORTA My trap worked beautifully. Thank you, all. JASON (snarling softly) You're NOT welcome. De La Porta strolls towards Mackay and the others, ignoring Kong and his struggles to avoid getting sucked through the hole. DE LA PORTA My research indicated the Infinity Stone needed a great sacrifice before it would give up its power to me. Kong fits the bill perfectly. FAVOR THE OTHERS Tann gets off Mackay, who rises to his feet. DEVLIN MACKAY You tricked me. DE LA PORTA Of course, fool. DEVLIN MACKAY You're the fool. The ape will be sucked through the hole, into infinity, and cease to exist. DE LA PORTA Precisely. And the power of the stone will be mine. DEVLIN MACKAY (ignoring De La Porta's comments) Then everything else will be sucked through that hole as well. And I don't know how to stop it. Jason looks at De La Porta with a SNARL, then back at Mackay. JASON But I do. Jason RUNS toward Kong, and ACTIVATES HIS CYBERLINK. JASON Kong[DOT]Com. Engage. ANGLE ON JASON AND KONG He activates the link. MERGE EFX surround them both. When they end, Kong stands alone. TIGHT ON KONG as his eyes GLOW, showing Jason has merged with him successfully. WIDER ON KONG AND THE INFINITY HOLE The Infinity Hole widens and PULLS harder on Kong, whose feet begin to slide toward the Hole. KONG (mega-roar) ROARRRRRRRRR! Then Kong GROWS and GROWS and GROWS, BLOTTING out the starscape. His body grows to MEGA-KONG, and when he reaches the peak of his growth ... WIDE ON STONEHENGE The uprights and fallen stones SHAKE and TREMBLE as the Infinity Hold sucks at them. Mega-Kong TURNS and LOOKS at the growing Infinity Hole and REACHES toward it. When the energy of MegaKong's power meets the power of the Infinity Stone there's a HUGE EXPLOSION that sends everything flying away from Mega-Kong and the Infinity Hole, all the stones of Stonehenge, and the people, flying outwards and a huge DUST CLOUD rises. When the dust clears, the Green Glow is gone. The Infinity Stone lies on the ground, looking like it did at the beginning. The tall stones of Stonehenge are lying fifty or more feet further out from their original placement, fallen all which way like jackstraws. The oldest stone circle in the world is in shambles. Lua and Tann lie together in a heap, Lua on top of Tann so he cushioned her fall. Mackay is half-in and half-out of one of the 8' deep holes that held one of the uprights in place. De La Porta is sprawled on his back, stunned, one leg draped over one of the fallen stones, half-hiding him from Mega-Kong. Mega-Kong POUNDS his chest and MEGA-KONG ROARRRRS! ANGLE ON LUA AND TANN Lua and Tann begin to wake up. Lua's head raises and she LOOKS AROUND. She sees the damage, then Mega-Kong (O.S.). INCLUDE MEGA-KONG He sees Lua and Tann waking up, and begins to calm down. He SHRINKS back to Normal Kong-size, and the DE-MERGE EFX surround him. A moment later Jason and Kong are apart once more, both looking exhausted. ANGLE ON DE LA PORTA De La Porta pulls his leg off the stone, and CRAWLS over to the Infinity Stone, trying to stay unnoticed. De La Porta POCKETS the stone. DE LA PORTA (softly) Next time, Jenkins. There'll definitely be a next time. De La Porta SNEAKS away. ON JASON, TANN, AND LUA as they move over to help Mackay to his feet. Tann reaches down, offering Mackay a hand. TANN Up you go. When Mackay takes it, Tann PULLS, and Mackay is on his feet almost immediately. DEVLIN MACKAY Thanks. Mackay looks at all three, and Kong behind them. DEVLIN MACKAY I don't know what to say. I never meant to hurt any of you. I guess the chance to work with one of the legendary Primal Stones, and ... JASON (smiles) And perhaps a healthy fear of De La Porta, despite his public reputation? Mackay NODS nervously. DEVLIN MACKAY Definitely. I've never met anyone like that before. He's ... Tann GRINS. TANN Scary. Mackay NODS again, then looks around at the totally destroyed Stonehenge. DEVLIN MACKAY I swore to protect this place, and look at it! I've destroyed it! Jason SMILES. JASON Not necessarily. Jason looks UP at KONG and WINKS. Kong looks PUZZLED, clueless. KONG (grunt?) DISSOLVE TO: EXT. STONEHENGE - A SHORT TIME LATER Stonehenge has been restored. Kong puts the last Capstone in place on top of two of the restored uprights, and steps back. Jason LOOKS at Mackay. JASON How's that? Mackay TURNS in place, looking at everything, with a GROWING SMILE. DEVLIN MACKAY It's almost perfect! LUA Almost? Mackay POINTS to one of the capstones. DEVLIN MACKAY That capstone was over there. Mackay POINTS to another pair of uprights. JASON We can fix it. Jason turns to Kong and opens his mouth. DEVLIN MACKAY No, that's okay! Leave it, please. The others LOOK at him, eyebrows raised in curiosity. Mackay SMILES, almost like a child on Christmas morning. DEVLIN MACKAY It'll be another of Stonehenge's Great Mysteries. Then Mackay looks UP at Kong. DEVLIN MACKAY Speaking of mysteries .... LUA Our friend must remain one, Professor. The three friends, and Mackay head towards the distant exit to Stonehenge. JASON We didn't recover the Infinity Stone, but at least we know for sure what De La Porta is up to, looking for those who might be able to activate the stones. LUA Hope there aren't many like you out there, Professor Mackay. DEVLIN MACKAY Me too. Any time I can help you, please don't hesitate to contact me. JASON/LUA/TANN Thanks./Good-bye./Later! Mackay stays behind to do finishing touches on Stonehenge, and the others leave with Kong as the morning sunlight angles down on the four of them. JASON De La Porta must have modified the cyberlink; he no longer needs a lifeform to merge with. My grandmother will certainly be interested in that one. Tann GRINS up at Kong, then at Jason. TANN At last, we can go home. Back to the clown car! JASON/KONG (Groan/Grunt) On Jason and Kong's reactions, we FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE