Copywriting and Editing Credits |
CopywritingDVD enclosures and videocassette box copy. Twentieth Century-Fox Home Entertainment, Los Angeles, CA 1998-2002 [Ally McBeal box copy] Public Service Announcements for U.S. Coast Guard "Boating Under the Influence" 2001 national television campaign. ZGS Communications, Inc., Arlington, VA, 2000.
Marketing sales brochures. Twentieth Century-Fox Home Entertainment, Los Angeles, CA 1999 Direct e-mail and web site copy. harbourMoon Travel Package, Vancouver, BC, 1999. [Closing Page copy] Corporate Mission Statement - The Meridian Group, Tucson, AZ 1997 [Mission Statement] Marketing Proposal and Press Releases for Vista de Sierra Apartments, Tucson, AZ, 1995 Product Presentation for 1994 NYC Toy Fair, BattleVision Toy, Tiger Electronics, Chicago, IL, 1994 Sales presentations to potential clients for company billing $6 million annually. Tylie Jones & Associates, Burbank, CA 1989-1992 Procedure manuals for Broadcast Traffic, Vault & Quality Control, and Computer System Security, Tylie Jones & Associates, Burbank, CA 1990-1991. Software User Manuals -- Q-Calc (UNIX), Word Perfect 4.1, and in-house shipping system (Dataflex), Tylie Jones & Associates, Burbank, CA 1989-1991 Employee Manual, Tylie Jones & Associates, Burbank, CA 1990
EditingEditor: The CGDA Report, bimonthly, Computer Game Developers Association, San Jose, CA 1997 Writer and Editor: Corporate Newsletter, Tylie Jones & Associates, Burbank, CA, 1990-1992 |
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